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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Avoid Cancer by Eating Avocados

Some people will use any excuse to eat an avocado, so now they can be happy to see research identifying yet another virtue of this delicious fruit (and yes, it's a fruit!). Enjoy ! Dr Kiefat-

There is a new study reporting that plant chemicals in avocados are effective in killing certain cancer cells in the laboratory and also in preventing particular precancerous cells from developing into actual cancers.
For this study, Steven D'Ambrosio, PhD, professor at Ohio State University and his research team published a review of previous studies where a chemical extraction process was used to isolate six compounds in avocado meat, which were then injected into a petri dish containing human cells. These were either normal, precancerous or actively cancerous (in this case, oral cancer) in order to ascertain how the cells would react to the isolated avocado compounds.
One of the six extracts (they called it D003) was found to have an effect -- it reduced the growth of some pre-cancerous and cancerous cells while also killing other ones outright. Based on these study results, Dr. D'Ambrosio speculates that "as part of a healthy diet, a cup of avocado may have some cancer-prevention effect."
This adds to other research pointing to some cancer-fighting benefits of avocado as well. A 2005 study done at UCLA found that the growth of human prostate cancer cells was inhibited by 60% when exposed to avocado extracts. But keep one caveat in mind: Each of these studies used an extract from only a single type of avocado whereas there are actually hundreds of avocado varieties. The studies Dr. D'Ambrosio reviewed involved only Haas avocado extracts.
Why does this matter? Because, according to Jonny Bowden, author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, the nutritional value of an avocado varies by type and growing location. For example, 100 g of a California avocado has about 28% fewer calories, 35% less fat and about 10% fewer carbohydrates than a Florida avocado. He believes nutrient values may vary as well, although the California Avocado Commission says there is likely only a slight difference. In addition to potential for cancer prevention, avocados are a source of lutein, zeaxanthin, beta carotene and folate, among other nutrients. So it looks like avocados are worth incorporating into your diet for lots of reasons. Bring on the guacamole!

Source(s): Steven D'Ambrosio, PhD, professor, Ohio State University. Dr. D'Ambrosio's area of research and interest is natural preventatives for cancer.
Jonny Bowden, CNS. Bowden, the popular "Weight Loss Coach" on iVillage.com, is a contributing writer to AOL.com and a frequent Daily Health News contributor. His free mini-course "7 Super Foods That Could Change Your Life" is available at www.feelyourpower.com. A radio talk-show host, he's the author of the best-selling Living the Low Carb Life and, most recently, The 150 Healthiest Foods

Resveratrol -- Setting the Record Straight

THis article give good info on resveratrol so you can make an informed decision! Dr. K-

The red-wine supplement resveratrol has been very much in the news in recent years, but reports vary -- while some cast doubt, many are very promising about its numerous health benefits. With sales soaring and more than 100 resveratrol supplements available, it’s clear that lots of people want to believe that these products work miracles. Do they? How? And which work best?

To learn more, we turn to Joseph C. Maroon, MD, a professor of neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and author of The Longevity Factor: How Resveratrol and Red Wine Activate Genes for a Longer and Healthier Life. Regarding resveratrol, he says what scientists are sure of and what has yet to be proven. Dr. Maroon also shared his insights on how to safely and effectively use this supplement today.

Helpful or Not?

Resveratrol is a beneficial polyphenol (a type of plant chemical) that is particularly abundant in red wine and the skins of red grapes. Many scientists believe it works -- potentially extending lifespan and offering protection against heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes -- by "switching on" a class of proteins called sirtuins. These help prevent gene mutations and repair DNA damage, slowing the aging process and the development of age-related diseases.

So does it work or not? Let’s take a look at how the controversy got started.

Because there was a load of exciting research supporting resveratrol’s benefits, in 2008, the giant pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) paid $720 million to purchase a small biotech firm that owned the patent for a synthetic form of resveratrol. In an attempt to win FDA approval of this formulation of resveratrol, GSK launched clinical trials -- but had to shut them down in April 2010 when some of the participants developed kidney complications. This is the event that led some critics to charge that resveratrol’s benefits were overstated.

But it wasn’t the right stuff: Dr. Maroon explained that it’s important to recognize that the problems stemmed from an artificial form of resveratrol that chemists had concocted in a laboratory. The clinical trial did not use the kind of natural resveratrol that humans have safely consumed in wine and grapes for thousands of years... that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries... and that has been available as a neutraceutical supplement for about a decade.


The cancellation of the clinical trial resulted in a rush of negative press, said Dr. Maroon, but meanwhile there is plenty of other research on resveratrol that is yielding extremely positive results. Where earlier studies demonstrated that resveratrol brought health benefits to animals, now new ones are examining what resveratrol does for humans (or human cells). The findings suggest that resveratrol can be beneficial in areas such as...

Inflammation control. A University of Buffalo study published in the September 2010 issue of Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism verified for the first time that resveratrol controls oxidative stress and inflammation in people. Twenty healthy volunteers took a 40-milligram (mg) resveratrol extract or a placebo for six weeks, and subsequent blood tests revealed lower levels of inflammatory cytokines in the resveratrol group. Inflammation lies at the root of devastating age-related illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and Alzheimer’s, Dr. Maroon notes.

Cancer prevention and treatment. In a 2010 laboratory trial at the University of Rochester Medical Center, investigators discovered that resveratrol may help combat pancreatic cancer. They added 50 mg of the supplement to one group of human pancreatic cancer cells and nothing to the other and found that the cancer cells treated with resveratrol responded more positively to chemotherapy. Other research suggests that resveratrol guards against cancers of the skin, breast, liver, lung and colon.

Protection against diabetes. Scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University report that resveratrol improves glucose metabolism in adults with prediabetes.

Improved heart and brain health. A March 2010 review in Genes & Nutrition summarized existing reports on the cardioprotective and longevity aspects of resveratrol, which protects the linings of blood vessels in the heart to prevent blood clots and other damage. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 22 healthy adults reported in the June 2010 issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, British investigators at Northumbria University found that resveratrol increases oxygen uptake and blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain (the site of cognition and problem solving).

Want to Try It?

To supplement your diet with resveratrol, Dr. Maroon says to look for products made with trans-resveratrol -- the active form of resveratrol polyphenols made from the skins of red grapes. An average dose consists of 250 mg to 500 mg a day, and scientists have detected no significant side effects at these doses. Expect to pay on average $40 for a 30-day supply. Dr. Maroon recommends the following brands...
  • Vindure 900. A mixed polyphenol supplement based on Harvard University’s resveratrol research. It can be purchased directly from Vinomis Laboratories (http://www.vinomis.com/, 877-484-6664).
  • GNC Longevity Factors Cellular Antioxidant Defense. A combination of resveratrol, vitamin D (cholecalciferol D-3), grape seed extract and quercetin. Note that this product was developed by Dr. Maroon together with GNC, and that he does have a financial interest in it. Available at GNC stores or on their Web site (http://www.gnc.com/, 877-462-4700).
Whether you choose to take supplements or not, it certainly makes sense to eat plenty of resveratrol- and polyphenol-rich foods. Go for variety in your diet, because different plant compounds interact synergistically with one another to provide more powerful health benefits. Choose items such as red grapes... red wines including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir (in moderation, of course)... pure red grape juice (high-quality organic, not from concentrate)... unroasted peanuts... dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)... green tea... and blueberries, cranberries and pomegranates.
Source(s): Joseph C. Maroon, MD, clinical professor of neurological surgery and Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh. Dr. Maroon is the team neurosurgeon for the Pittsburgh Steelers and author of The Longevity Factor: How Resveratrol and Red Wine Activate Genes for a Longer and Healthier Life (Atria).